Getting Naked Again

Getting Naked Again

This book came to me through my girlfriend network.  Recent divorcee, Darlene, regaled my married friend, Susie, with tales of the contents of the book, Getting Naked Again.  The book gave Darlene the impetus to hop on a plane for a weekend of adventure with a single male acquaintance of hers.  Her goal was to get over her fear of sex with someone other than the man to whom she’d been married for 25 years.



I don’t know her well enough to ask her if it worked.  Nor is that  a question Susie would ever ask anyone.  So, as much as I’d love to hear the story of whether the tactic worked, I’ll never know.

I took the title a bit too literally.  Read my diary entry, Your Naked Body, and you’ll know my anxiety around this topic.

However, the book offers ways to analyze whether you’re ready to take this step, as well as strategies to meet a man so you have someone with whom to get naked and how to handle those first dates.

I read it months ago.  Well, make that over a year ago, so much of it is a faint memory.  Guess it didn’t do the job, because I’m still chaste.

I’m sitting here at my desk scanning the chapter titles:  Recovery or Would I Sleep with Eisenhower; You Bleed or You Thaw; Sexual Mentors, Palate Cleansers, and Other Transitional Relationships. 

Hum.  Maybe I should read it again.  Maybe I’m ready for the message.






4 thoughts on “Getting Naked Again

  1. Sexual mentors sounds like an interesting subject. Sometimes we simply need to not take ourselves quite so seriously, and be honest about our evolution, realizing our comfort zone can stretch as we learn how to take care of our selves. Maybe back to your story of the tench coat meeting at the bistro. Yes, easy for a guy to say.

    • Hi Bob: You’re so right about not taking ourselves so seriously. I’m going to keep what you said in mind every time I start feeling insecure about my naked body. Thanks.

  2. Hey Georgia, This came today and it fit so I wanted to share it with you. From the famous Rhonda Byrnes, creator of the Secret DVD, “When you look at yourself and feel dissatisfaction about any part of you, you will continue to attract feelings of dissatisfaction, because the law mirrors back to you exactly what you are holding inside. Be in awe and wonder at the magnificence of you!”

    I know some struggle to align with that thinking but I completely agree. The best part is in engaging the creative imagination the way you do, let it run with expectation and joy. From that we create our own results. No room for fear. Life is to short not to have fun with it. I love your playful reminiscing.

    • Hi Bob: Thanks for sharing that quote. It is highly appropos. Life is, indeed, too short.